Giffords Responds to Fresh Declarations from Firearms Industry About Their Successful Push for a “Critical Infrastructure” Designation from the Trump Administration
April 17, 2020 — Today, Giffords responded to fresh declarations from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) about their successful push to make the Trump Administration declare the firearms industry a critical piece of the nation’s infrastructure. The President of NSSF explained how they did it in a recent interview with Outdoor Wire . The interview follows previous reporting that detailed how the gun lobby pushed the President on the issue after it originally was not a priority.
Peter Ambler, Giffords Executive Director:
“Regardless of the emergency, one of President Trump’s most trusted advisors is the gun lobby. In the midst of a pandemic gripping the country, the Trump Administration took time away from discussion about medical equipment and testing to bow to gun manufacturers’ preeminent industry group. It’s hard to say what’s more brazen, this argument for the gun lobby that stores need to keep selling firearms to sustain law and order or that Trump bought it hook, line, and sinker. In this crisis, it’s a shame to see this industry group focus more on corporate profits than the interests of gun owners and the safety of all our communities.”