How do we pass gun safety laws like universal background checks? By electing gun safety champions up and down the ballot.

The majority of Americans care about passing gun safety laws and increasingly want leaders who will make it a priority. That’s why we’re on a mission to elect candidates who will fight for our safety—not gun lobby profits.

This election year is critical. In 2024 we will double down on our already historic progress by electing more leaders across all levels of government, on both sides of the aisle, who will enact the gun laws America badly needs. We must defend our gun safety president, protect our gun safety majorities, and defeat candidates bought and paid for by the NRA. The stakes are too high not to.


Over 40,000 Americans lose their lives to gun violence every year. In communities, courts, and ballot boxes nationwide, Giffords fights to save lives from gun violence. Will you join us?


Gun safety is a leading issue from coast to coast. In red, blue, and purple states, voters are rejecting the gun lobby and electing gun safety champions.

We protected our gun safety majority in the US Senate in 2022 and elected historic majorities in state legislative chambers across the country. These lawmakers are working tirelessly to pass commonsense gun safety legislation. 

With your help, we’ll continue our victories this year and beyond. We’re in this fight to win it—because winning means protecting our communities from harm.


We’re building a movement of Americans committed to gun safety. Democrats and Republicans, gun owners and non–gun owners alike—we stand united to reject the gun lobby and pass lifesaving gun safety laws.