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Gun Industry Immunity

In 2023, along with the passage of a Victims’ Access to Justice law described below, Colorado repealed its law giving immunity to gun industry members from civil suit.1

Colorado law still limits lawsuits against shooting ranges based on noise emanating from the range.2

Victims’ Access to Justice

In 2023, Colorado enacted the “Jessi Redfield Ghawi’s Act for Gun Violence Victims’ Access to Justice and Firearms Industry Accountability” law.3

The law states that a firearm industry member shall not knowingly violate the Colorado Consumer Protection Act, including any unfair or deceptive trade practice, or any offense relating to firearms in Article 12 of the Criminal Code (Title 18) of the Colorado Revised Statutes.

As of October 1, 2023, a person who suffers harm as the result of a firearm industry member’s violation of the laws above may be sued civilly by the individual. The state attorney general is also authorized to bring a civil action against firearm industry members under these circumstances.

The gun industry member (as defined) must be engaged in the manufacture, distribution, importation, marketing, or wholesale or retail sale of a firearm industry product (also defined) that was or intended to be sold, made, distributed or marketed in the sate to be liable under the Victims’ Access to Justice law.


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  1. Previously Colo. Rev. Stat. Title 13, Art. 21, part 5.[]
  2. See Colo. Rev. Stat. § 25-12-109(3).[]
  3. Colo. Rev. Stat. § 6-27-101 et seq.[]