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Louisiana prohibits any person from carrying a firearm, openly or concealed, on school property, at a school-sponsored function, or in a “firearm-free zone” (which includes a school campus, an area within 1,000 feet of a school campus, and inside a school bus).1 The term “school” includes any elementary school, secondary school, high school, vocational-technical school, college or university.2 This prohibition does not extend to the 1,000 feet outside of school property if:

  • The location is entirely on private property;
  • The location is entirely within a private residence; or
  • The firearm is carried in accordance with a concealed handgun permit.3

Louisiana law also requires the expulsion of any student in grades six through twelve found in possession of a firearm at the school.4


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  1. Some exceptions apply. See La. Rev. Stat. §§ 14:95.2, 14:95.6.
  2. La. Rev. Stat. § 14:95.2(B)(1).
  3. La. Rev. Stat. § 14:95.2(C)(9), (N)(11).
  4. La. Rev. Stat. § 17:416(C)(2).