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Montana prohibits any person, whether or not he or she possesses a permit or enhanced permit to carry a concealed weapon, from carrying concealed in:

  • Portions of a building used for state or local government offices and related areas in the building that have been restricted;1
  • A room in which alcoholic beverages are sold, dispensed, and consumed under a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises;2
  • A secure treatment facility operated by the department of public health and human services;3
  • In a correctional, detention, or treatment facility operated by or contracted with the department of corrections or a secure treatment facility operated by the department of public health and human services;2
  • In a detention facility or secure area of a law enforcement facility owned and operated by a city or county;2
  • At or beyond a security screening checkpoint regulated by the transportation security administration in a publicly owned, commercial airport;2
  • In a building owned and occupied by the United States;2
  • On a military reservation owned and managed by the United States;2
  • On private property where the owner of the property or the person who possesses or is in control of the property, including a tenant or lessee of the property, expressly prohibits firearms;2
  • Within a courtroom or an area of a courthouse in use by court personnel pursuant to an order of a justice of the peace or judge;2 or
  • In a school building as determined by a school board.2

Montana also generally prohibits any person from carrying a firearm, whether openly or concealed, on a state game preserve, although the Director of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks may issue a permit to carry firearms in these areas.4

A landlord or operator of a hotel or motel may not, by contract or otherwise, prevent a tenant or a guest of a tenant from possessing on the premises a firearm that it is legal for the tenant or guest to possess.5

Montana has no statutes prohibiting firearms in the following places, although administrative regulations may apply:

  • Hospitals;
  • Places of worship;
  • Sports arenas;
  • Gambling facilities; or
  • Polling places.


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  1. Mont. Code Ann. § 45-8-328.
  2. Id.
  3. Mont. Code Ann. § 45-8-356.
  4. Mont. Code Ann. § 87-5-401.
  5. Mont. Code Ann. § 70-24-110.