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In 2023, Hawaii vastly expanded the types of locations where firearms may not be carried. Specifically, a person may not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carry or possess a loaded or unloaded firearm, concealed or openly, in:1

  • Any building or office owned, leased, or used by the State or a county, and adjacent grounds and parking areas, including any portion of a building or office used for court proceedings, legislative business, contested case hearings, agency rulemaking, or other activities of state or county government;
  • Any public or private hospital, mental health facility, nursing home, clinic, medical office, urgent care facility, or other place at which medical or health services are customarily provided, including adjacent parking areas;
  • Any adult or juvenile detention or correctional facility, prison, or jail, including adjacent parking areas;
  • Any bar or restaurant serving alcohol or intoxicating liquor as defined in section 281-1 for consumption on the premises, including adjacent parking areas;
  • Any stadium, movie theater, or concert hall, or any place at which a professional, collegiate, high school, amateur, or student sporting event is being held, including adjacent parking areas;
  • All public library property, including buildings, facilities, meeting rooms, spaces used for community programming, adjacent grounds, and parking areas;
  • The campus or premises of any public or private community college, college, or university, and adjacent parking areas, including buildings, classrooms, laboratories, research facilities, artistic venues, and athletic fields or venues;
  • The campus or premises of any public school, charter school, private school, preschool, summer camp, or child care facility, including adjacent parking areas:
  • Any beach, playground, park, or adjacent parking area, including any state park, state monument, county park, tennis court, golf course, swimming pool, or other recreation area or facility under control, maintenance, and management of the State or a county, but not including an authorized target range or shooting complex;
  • Any shelter, residential, or programmatic facility or adjacent parking area operated by a government entity or charitable organization serving unhoused persons, victims of domestic violence, or children, including children involved in the juvenile justice system;
  • Any voter service center as defined or other polling place, including adjacent parking areas;
  • The premises of any bank or financial institution as defined in section 211D-1, including adjacent parking areas;
  • Any place, facility, or vehicle used for public transportation or public transit, and adjacent parking areas, including buses, paratransit vans, bus shelters and terminals (but not including bus stops located on public sidewalks), trains, rail stations, and airports;
  • Any amusement park, aquarium, carnival, circus, fair, museum, water park, or zoo, including adjacent parking areas;
  • Any public gathering, public assembly, or special event conducted on property open to the public, including any demonstration, march, rally, vigil, protest, picketing, or other public assembly, for which a permit is obtained from the federal government, the State, or a county, and the sidewalk or street immediately adjacent to the public gathering, public assembly, or special event; provided that there are signs clearly and conspicuously posted at visible places along the perimeter of the public gathering, public assembly, or special event; or
  • Private property unless the person has been given express authorization to carry a firearm on the property by the owner, lessee, operator, or manager of the property through written or verbal authorization or the posting of clear and conspicuous signage at the entrance of the building or on the premises.2


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  1. Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 134-9.1(a).
  2. Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 134-9.5.