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Missouri prohibits any person from:

  • Knowingly selling, leasing, loaning, giving away or delivering a firearm to a person who is not entitled to possess the firearm under Missouri law;1
  • Recklessly selling, leasing, loaning, giving away or delivering any firearm to a person under age 18 without the consent of the child’s custodial parent or guardian; or
  • Recklessly selling, leasing, loaning, giving away or delivering a firearm or ammunition to a person who is intoxicated.2

Missouri also prohibits any person from denying the sale of a firearm to a person who does not possess a Federal Firearms License, if that transferee is otherwise not prohibited from possessing a firearm under federal or state law, solely on the basis that the non-licensee purchased a firearm that was later the subject of a firearm trace request by law enforcement.3

For laws aimed at gun trafficking, see the section entitled Firearms Trafficking in Missouri.


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  1. Per Mo. Rev. Stat. § 571.070; see the Missouri Prohibited Purchasers Generally section for a list of these prohibited purchasers.
  2. Mo. Rev. Stat. § 571.060.1(3).
  3. Mo. Rev. Stat. § 571.014.1.