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Stay updated on the latest community violence intervention legislation. 

The GIFFORDS Community Violence Intervention Policy Analysis and Tracking Hub (CVI-PATH) is designed to offer valuable assistance in navigating the landscape of historic investments in community violence intervention (CVI). With CVI-PATH, advocates are able to monitor the progress of CVI bills introduced through the legislative process, generating insight into policy changes that support lifesaving strategies.

Stay informed about important legislative dates for your state, and check out our legislative reviews for 2023 and 2024

For more detailed information or to contribute insights about community violence intervention efforts in your area, please feel free to reach out to the GIFFORDS Center for Violence Intervention team at

Current CVI Legislation
Session YearStateBill   TitleStatusUpdatedCategoryDetails
2022–23MinnesotaH-3834Violence Prevention Medical ServicesFailed5/20/24MedicaidCompanion Bill—see HB 3834
2022–23New JerseyA-5326Seabrooks-Washington Community-Led Crisis Response ActEnacted1/12/24New Program/FundEstablishes a CVI program or fund—$12M
2022–23New JerseyA-4978Division of Violence Intervention and Victim AssistanceEnacted10/17/23New Office/AgencyEstablishes a state office/agency with a focus on prevention and intervention—unspecified funding
2022–23New JerseyA-5669State BudgetEnacted6/30/23FundingCVI-related appropriation(s)—$10M
2022–23VirginiaS-800Budget BillFailed2/22/23FundingEstablishes a CVI program or fund; CVI-related appropriation(s)—approx. $12.6M over two years; $25M over two years for broad purposes
2023MissouriH-11Appropriation BillEnacted9/13/23FundingCVI-related appropriation(s); Jurisdiction and program specific allocation(s)—approx. $2M
2023OregonS-5506Emergency Board for Allocations During BienniumEnacted8/21/23FundingCVI-related appropriation(s); Jurisdiction and program specific allocation(s); Appropriates funding for broad purposes that include CVI—$13.75M over two years
2023ConnecticutH-6942Adjusting Bonds of the StateEnacted6/29/23New Program/FundEstablishes a CVI program or fund—Seeks to authorize proceeds from state bonds to fund CVI
2023ConnecticutH-6941State BudgetEnacted6/27/23FundingCVI-related appropriation(s)—approx. $18.3M (includes multiyear appropriation); $1.4M via ARPA (2023)
2023FloridaS-2500AppropriationsVetoed6/16/23FundingCVI-related appropriation(s)—$850,000 for violence interruption program; $5M dedicated to CVI was vetoed
2023ColoradoS-2Medicaid Reimbursement for Community Health ServicesEnacted5/18/23MedicaidSeeks to authorize or expand Medicaid reimbursement for violence prevention services
2023ColoradoS-241Creation Of Office Of School SafetyEnacted5/17/23New Program/FundEstablishes a CVI program or fund—$1M
2023ConnecticutH-6659State BudgetFailed5/4/23FundingCVI-related appropriation(s)—approx. $9M over two years; $1.4M via ARPA
2023AlabamaH-384Community OutreachFailed4/25/23New Program/FundEstablishes a CVI program or fund—unspecified funding
2023MarylandH-200Fiscal Year Budget BillEnacted4/24/23FundingCVI-related appropriation(s); Jurisdiction and program specific allocation(s)—approx $8M
2023ConnecticutH-5525Department of Public Health for Gun Violence PreventionFailed4/21/23FundingCVI-related appropriation(s)—$10.8M over two years; $400,000 ongoing
2023ConnecticutH-5653Excise Tax on AmmunitionFailed4/20/23TaxEstablishes or redirects a tax to fund violence intervention and prevention—taxes the manufacture, retail sale, and/or purchase of guns and/or ammunition
2023MarylandS-833Prince George’s County Violence Reduction ProgramFailed3/26/23FundingEstablishes a CVI program or fund; Jurisdiction and Program Specific Allocation(s)—$1M annually
2023ConnecticutH-5771Medicaid CoverageFailed3/23/23MedicaidSeeks to authorize or expand Medicaid reimbursement for violence prevention services
2023FloridaH-403Community Violence InterventionFailed3/7/23New Program/FundEstablishes a CVI program or fund—unspecified funding
2023FloridaS-428Community Violence Intervention and Prevention GrantFailed3/7/23Companion BillCompanion Bill—see HB 403
2023MarylandS-598Violence Intervention and Prevention Program FundFailed2/22/23FundingEstablishes a CVI program or fund; CVI-related appropriation(s)—$40M annually
2023New MexicoH-404Violence Intervention Program ActFailed2/14/23New Program/FundEstablishes a CVI program or fund—$15M
2023MarylandS-181Fiscal Year Budget BillFailed1/20/23Companion BillCompanion Bill—see HB 200
Showing 125 of 204 total entries.

What We Track

CVI-PATH focuses on bills introduced through the legislative process and does not include comprehensive information on policy changes made through other avenues, such as executive orders. The tracker also excludes monies from federal funding sources such as the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), unless otherwise specified.  

We track the following main policy categories:

Companion Bill

The Companion Bill category is specifically designed to track similar or identical pieces of legislation that are introduced concurrently in both the Senate and the House. 


The Funding category consolidates all CVI-related appropriations, including annual appropriations, jurisdiction and program-specific allocations, and some funding for broader purposes that include CVI. Funding may be related to the establishment or continuation of programs focused on community-based organizations working in violence intervention and prevention, accounting for both increases and decreases in funding.

However, it excludes bills related to the reauthorization and expansion of state programs focused on altering the program’s scope rather than funding. Funding primarily focused on law enforcement or appropriations not clearly inclusive of CVI are also not considered under this category.


The Medicaid category is defined by specific criteria focused on Medicaid’s role in funding violence prevention and intervention. It includes legislation that enables state Medicaid agencies to reimburse for violence prevention services, particularly those expanding coverage for CVI services or authorizing the use of Medicaid funds for such purposes. 

New Office/Agency

The New Office/Agency category includes legislation that aims to create statewide offices or agencies specifically dedicated to CVI. This category focuses on new institutional structures with a clear mandate to address and reduce community violence through intervention and prevention strategies, though they may have a broader mandate. 

The category excludes efforts that do not specifically focus on reducing community violence, are designed for local or non-statewide efforts, or lack a clear jurisdictional mandate for statewide CVI activities. 

New Program/Fund

The New Program/Fund category encompasses legislation aimed at creating new grant programs or funds specifically for CVI. This includes bills that establish new programs for CBOs focused on violence intervention and prevention. The category is inclusive of initiatives with or without specified appropriations and those directing federal funds to establish CVI programs. 

However, it excludes reauthorization or expansion of existing grant programs, funding for law enforcement or taskforces, and preventative programs not centered on community violence. The focus is on new, dedicated initiatives for CVI, clearly distinguishing them from broader or previously established programs.


The Reauthorization/Expansion category focuses on legislation that renews or broadens existing Community Violence Intervention (CVI) programs or funds. In addition to legislation reauthorizing existing programs, this category also captures expansions and modifications to existing state-level CVI programs, such as expanding service coverage to new cities or populations. The focus is on enhancing and sustaining ongoing CVI initiatives. 

However, this category excludes newly established grant programs or funds, expansions that only involve budget increases without substantive changes to the program’s scope or mandate. Legislative changes shifting the program’s focus away from CVI are marked under this category as a “regression.”


The Tax category refers to legislation that creates or increases taxes with the explicit intention of directing the revenue generated towards CVI programs and efforts. This category focuses on creating sustainable funding streams for CVI initiatives through taxation. 

This category excludes bills that do not direct a significant share of the resulting tax revenue to CVI work. 

Workforce Development

The Workforce Development category includes legislation focused on aiding the CVI workforce. It encompasses bills that provide support for CVI workers in aspects such as, but not limited to, training, workforce development, improved wages, benefits, and wellness programs. 

This category excludes legislation that does not specifically center the training, development, and well-being of CVI workers, ensuring a focused approach on the human resource aspect of CVI initiatives. 


While we strive to track jurisdiction- and program-specific allocations, we may not have access to complete information about every organization operating within every state. CVI-PATH should not be considered an exhaustive picture of all public funding received by community violence intervention organizations.




Community violence intervention focuses on reducing the daily homicides and shootings that contribute to our country’s gun violence epidemic. We created Giffords Center for Violence Intervention to champion community-based efforts to save lives and improve public safety. 

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Interventions are most effective when they are supported by strong community networks. Sign up for Giffords Center for Violence Intervention’s newsletter to learn more about what’s happening in the field, relevant legislation, and funding opportunities.