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Child Access Prevention

Idaho does not have a child access prevention law that imposes a penalty on someone who fails to secure an unattended firearm and leaves it accessible to an unsupervised minor.

However, a state administrative regulation requires firearms at a foster home to be stored:

  • Unloaded and equipped with a trigger lock;
  • Unassembled and inoperable;
  • Locked in a cabinet or storage container inaccessible to children; or
  • Locked in a gun safe inaccessible to children.1

Parents at a children’s residential care facility must keep their firearms unloaded and equipped with trigger locks and stored under lock and key and inaccessible to children.2 Ammunition must be stored under lock and key separate from firearms and inaccessible to children.3

For age requirements for the purchase or possession of firearms in Idaho, see the Idaho Minimum Age to Purchase / Possess  section.

Safe Storage

Idaho has no law that requires unattended firearms to be stored in a certain way.

Idaho does not require a locking device to accompany the sale of a firearm (although Federal Law applies).

Idaho also does not require firearm owners to lock their weapons.


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  1. Idaho Admin. Code r.
  2. Idaho Admin. Code r.
  3. Id.