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On March 5, 2024, Louisiana’s governor signed into law a bill that allows any individual aged 18 or over, who may legally possess firearms, to carry a firearm concealed on his or her person in public without a license or permit.1 (Prior Louisiana law required concealed weapon holders to apply for a permit, pass a background check, and obtain firearms safety training.) Louisiana continues to prohibit the “negligent carrying of a concealed handgun,” which applies regardless of whether a person is authorized to carry or possess a concealed handgun under state law, and includes carrying a concealed handgun, intentionally or with criminal negligence, when it is foreseeable that the handgun may discharge.2

Nevertheless, as described below, Louisiana’s permitting system remains in place.  Under Louisiana law, the Department of Public Safety and Corrections generally must issue a concealed handgun permit if the applicant meets certain qualifications.3 Applicants must:

  • Be a Louisiana resident (a 2011 law removed the requirement that the applicant have been a Louisiana resident for at least six months);
  • Be 21 years of age or older; and
  • Be eligible to possess a firearm under federal law.4

In addition, applicants must not:

  • Suffer from “mental or physical infirmity due to disease, illness, or retardation” which prevents the safe handling of a handgun;
  • Be ineligible to possess a firearm due to a felony conviction or felony-grade act for violation committed under the age of twenty-two, other than certain non-violent felony convictions more than ten years old that have been expunged, and convictions for which a full pardon was granted;
  • Have been institutionally committed, either voluntarily or involuntarily, for the abuse of a controlled dangerous substance, or been found guilty of, or entered a plea of guilty or no contest to a misdemeanor relating to a controlled dangerous substance within the last five years, or be presently charged with such an offense;
  • Chronically and habitually use alcoholic beverages to the extent that his or her normal faculties are impaired or has been admitted, either voluntarily or involuntarily, for treatment as an alcoholic within the last five years;5
  • Have entered a plea of guilty or no contest to, or been found guilty of, a violent crime at the misdemeanor level, unless five years have elapsed since completing the sentence or any other conditions set by the court have been fulfilled, or the conviction was set aside and the prosecution dismissed prior to the date on which the application is submitted;
  • Have been convicted of, have entered a plea of guilty or no contest to, or be charged with any crime of violence or any crime punishable by imprisonment for a term of one year or more;
  • Be a fugitive from justice;
  • Be an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana, depressants, stimulants, or narcotic drugs;
  • Have been adjudicated to be mentally deficient or been committed to a mental institution (unless the applicant’s right to possess a firearm has been legally restored);
  • Be an illegal alien in the United States;
  • Have been discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States with a discharge characterized as “Under Other than Honorable Conditions,” a “Bad Conduct Discharge” or a “Dishonorable Discharge;”
  • Have a history of engaging in violent behavior. There is a rebuttable presumption that an applicant has a history of engaging in violent behavior upon proof that, within the last 10 years, the applicant has, on three or more occasions, been arrested for or charged with any “crime of violence”, or has on two or more occasions been arrested for or charged with any crime of violence punishable by death;
  • Have had a permit denied within one year prior to the most recent application; or
  • Have had a permit revoked within four years prior to the most recent application.4

In 2014, Louisiana enacted a law prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons by anyone convicted of “domestic abuse battery” if the person completed the sentence, probation, or parole within the last ten years.6 In 2018, Louisiana prohibited the carrying of concealed weapons by anyone found not guilty by reason of insanity for specified crimes of violence.7

Also in 2018, Louisiana enacted a law requiring courts to suspend the concealed carry permits of certain domestic violence offenders and order the convicted person to transfer their firearms to law enforcement.8 Courts must issue an order suspending the concealed carry permit of: (1) anyone against whom a domestic violence protective order that prohibits firearm possession has been issued; and (2) anyone who has been convicted of specified domestic violence offenses, including domestic abuse battery, specified offenses of battery of a dating partner, and unlawful possession of a firearm by a person convicted of domestic abuse battery or certain offenses of battery of a dating partner. The same law made it unlawful (and a violation of a protective order) to carry concealed weapons while subject to a protective order that prohibits firearm possession.9 In 2019, Louisiana expanded this law, by adding additional domestic violence convictions to this list: domestic abuse aggravated assault, aggravated assault on a dating partner, and certain felony crimes committed against a family member or dating partner.10

Prior to issuing a concealed handgun permit, the Department must conduct “a thorough background investigation, including a criminal history check, of every applicant, [including] a computer check of available on-line state records, and, if warranted, the fingerprints may be forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a national criminal history record check.”11

A concealed handgun permit may also be issued by the chief law enforcement officer of a parish (valid only within the parish), by the deputy secretary of the Department (if the applicant already has a permit issued by the chief law enforcement officer of the parish in which the applicant is officially domiciled, and is bonded in the amount of $5,000), or by the sheriff of a parish.12 Louisiana enacted a law in 2013 authorizing a parish’s sheriff to enter into a reciprocity agreement with the sheriff of a contiguous parish to authorize both sheriffs to issue concealed handgun permits to qualified persons. Those permits are valid within the boundaries of the participating contiguous parishes.13

A temporary concealed handgun permit may be issued by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections to a qualifying applicant who has obtained a domestic abuse protective order against a family member, household member, or intimate partner.14 Applicants for a temporary concealed handgun permit must comply with and meet all of the qualifications set forth in Louisiana’s concealed handgun permit law, except that they do not need to comply with the safety training requirement.15 Temporary concealed handgun permits are valid for up to 45 days.15

In 2024, Louisiana enacted a law that prohibits concealed carry for anyone under the influence of alcohol or a controlled dangerous substance. The law functions by considering permits automatically suspended for individuals who are under the influence.16

Firearm Safety Training

The handgun permit applicant must also demonstrate competence with a handgun, usually by completing a specified or approved course or class within the previous year.17 However, Louisiana waives its firearm safety training requirement for individuals who have obtained a domestic abuse protective order against a family member, household member, or intimate partner, allowing such individuals to apply for a temporary concealed handgun permit valid for up to 45 days without completing a safety training course.18

To qualify someone for a concealed carry permit, firearm safety training in Louisiana must generally include instruction in child access prevention, a demonstration by the applicant of shooting proficiency, and safe handling of a handgun.19

Duration & Renewal

Louisiana passed a law in 2010 extending the duration of concealed handgun permits from four to five years.20

Disclosure or Use of Information

Louisiana does not allow personal application or permit information of concealed handgun permit holders to be made public. Such information is confidential and not subject to a public records request. However, the Department may provide statistical information which does not identify individual applicants or permittees.21

The Department must submit a report by March 31st of each year to the Legislature relative to concealed handgun permits. The report must include information – categorized by age, sex, race, and zip code of the applicant or licensee – on the number of licenses issued, denied, revoked, or suspended and the reasons for such denial, revocation, or suspension. The report must also include data concerning any known accidents or deaths involving permittees.22


Louisiana law provide that a valid concealed handgun permit issued in another state is valid in Louisiana if the person is not a Louisiana resident,23 and the permit was issued by a state that recognizes Louisiana concealed handgun permits.24 Effective July 4, 2024, Louisiana law will allow any person 18 or older, who is eligible to possess firearms under state and federal law, to carry a firearm concealed on his or her person without a permit.25

Louisiana law specifies that temporary concealed handgun permits issued to individuals who have obtained a domestic abuse protective order against a family member, household member, or intimate partner are not valid outside of Louisiana, even pursuant to other states’ reciprocity agreements.18


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  1. La. Rev. Stat. § 14:95(M), amended by 2024 La. SB 1 (effective July 4, 2024); see also La. Rev. Stat. §§ 40:1379.1(M), 40:1379.3(I), (L) – (O); La. Rev. Stat. § 14:95(A)(1)(b), amended by 2021 La. HB 124.
  2. La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1382(A).
  3. La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3(A)(1).
  4. La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3(C).
  5. In 2023, Louisiana repealed a law stating that if a person had been convicted of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, it would be presumed that the applicant chronically and habitually used alcoholic beverages to the extent that his normal faculties are impaired. See, 2023 HB 446.
  6. La. Rev. Stat. § 14:95.10.
  7. 2018 La. SB 231 (signed by the Governor May 20, 2018), amending R.S. § 14:95.1(A).
  8. 2018 La. SB 231 (signed by the Governor May 20, 2018), enacting La. Code Crim. Proc. Ann. § art.1001 et seq.
  9. 2018 La. SB 231 (signed by the Governor May 20, 2018), amending La. Rev. Stat. § 46:2136.3(A) and enacting § R.S. 14:79(A)(4).
  10. 2019 LA HB 279, amending La. Code Crim. Proc. Ann. § art.1002.
  11. La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3(K).
  12. La. Rev. Stat. §§ 40:1379.1(G), (H), 40:1379.1.1(A). Permits issued by the deputy secretary of the Department may be subject to certain “restrictive stipulations.” La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.1(H). Additional application and background check requirements, as well as permit suspension or disqualification information, are detailed under sections 40:1379.1, 40:1379.3, and 14:95.1.
  13. La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.1.1(B).
  14. 2016 La. H.B. 1155 (signed by the Governor on June 9, 2016), creating La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3.2.
  15. Id.
  16. 2024 La. S. 152
  17. La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3(D).
  18. See  2016 La. H.B. 1155 (signed by the Governor on June 9, 2016), creating La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3.2.
  19. 2021 La. H.B. 48, amending R.S. 40:1379.3(D)(2)(b).
  20. La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3(H)(2).
  21. La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3(A)(2).
  22. La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3(R)(2).
  23. See  La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3(B)(requiring a Louisiana resident to have a permit issued by Louisiana in order to carry a concealed handgun in Louisiana).
  24. La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3(B), (T).
  25. La. Rev. Stat. § 40:1379.3(B)(2)(a), amended by 2024 La. SB 1.