New York prohibits the possession of a loaded handgun, short-barreled shotgun or rifle, or a loaded or unloaded assault weapon outside of the home or place of business without a license.1 The term “loaded firearm” includes any firearm possessed by a person who also possesses any ammunition which may be discharged by the firearm, whether the firearm is loaded or unloaded.2
A license to carry a concealed handgun may be granted by the appropriate licensing authority if the applicant:
- meets the qualifications for a license to possess a handgun (see Prohibited Purchasers Generally in New York);
- fulfills the training requirements listed below;
- has not been convicted within 5 years of the date of the application with assault in the third degree, misdemeanor driving while intoxicated, or menacing;
- meets in person with the licensing officer for an interview;
- provides certain character references, information about social media accounts and such other information required by the licensing officer.3.
Licenses to carry a handgun held by persons who are later convicted of a felony or serious offense are automatically revoked upon conviction.4 In certain situations, a court issuing a domestic violence order of protection or finding that an individual violated an order of protection must revoke the individual’s license to carry a handgun or, if none exists, order the individual ineligible for a license.5
Firearm Safety Training
New York requires applicants for a license to carry a handgun to undergo an in-person live firearms safety course including a minimum of 16 hours in-person training covering topics including:
- general firearms safety
- safe storage requirements and best practices
- state and federal gun laws
- situational awareness
- conflict de-escalation
- best practices when encountering law enforcement
- sensitive places where guns are restricted
- conflict management
- use of deadly force
- suicide prevention
- basic principles of marksmanship
- a minimum of two hours of live firing.
The applicant must also pass a written test.6
In addition, in the county of Westchester, at the time of application, the licensing officer to which the license application is made must provide a copy of the safety course booklet to each license applicant.6 Before the license is issued, the licensing officer must require that the applicant submit a certificate of successful completion of a firearms safety course and test affirmed by a duly authorized instructor.7 Note that these requirements apply to all handgun licensees in the county of Westchester, not just those for a license to carry a handgun.
Duration & Renewal
Licenses are valid for three years, unless revoked.8
Disclosure or Use of Information
New York has no specific laws relating to the disclosure or use of information collected from licensees and applicants.
No relevant statutes currently exist, indicating that New York does not recognize concealed weapons permits issued in other states.
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- N.Y. Penal Law §§ 265.02(7), 265.03(3).
- N.Y. Penal Law § 265.00(15).
- N.Y. Penal Law § 400.00(1).
- N.Y. Penal Law § 400.00(11).
- N.Y. Family Ct. Act § 842-a. Additional application and background check requirements, as well as permit suspension or disqualification information, are detailed under N.Y. Penal Law § 400.00(3), (4), (4-a), and (7).
- N.Y. Penal Law § 400.00(1)(f), (4-c).
- Id.
- N.Y. Penal Law § 400.00(10).