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Connecticut has a relatively strong ghost gun law,1 which includes provisions:

  • Prohibiting the sale or receipt of an unfinished frame or receiver unless (1) the sale complies with all regulations for the sale of a pistol or revolver and carries a serial number, (2) the transfer is between FFLs, or (3) the transfer is a pre-arranged surrender to law enforcement.
  • Requiring that individuals manufacturing guns that are not subject to federal serialization requirements acquire a serial number from the state Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection and affix it to the firearm, and requiring that such individuals pass a background check before being issued a serial number.
  • Prohibiting the possession of unfinished frames or receivers by people who are legally disqualified from possessing firearms.
  • Making it unlawful to aid or abet the manufacture of a firearm by or for a person who is legally disqualified from possessing firearms.
  • Making it unlawful to aid or abet the manufacture of guns that are illegal to purchase or possess.
  • Prohibiting the manufacture of a plastic firearm that “after removal of grips, stocks, and magazines” is not detectable by standard metal detectors.
  • As of January 1, 2024, prohibiting possession of unserialized firearms. Individuals who lawfully possess unserialized firearms prior to January 1, 2024, may continue to possess them if they declare such possession or request a serial number by January 1.
  • Banning distribution, sale, offer or exposure for sale, and importation into the state of firearms without a serial number.


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  1. Conn. Pub. Act No. 19-6 (2019).