New Jersey requires that any person engaged in the retail sale of handguns keep a register of handgun sales information.1 The register must include the time and date of the sale or transfer, the name, age, date of birth, complexion, occupation, residence and a physical description of the purchaser or transferee, the name and permanent home address of the transferor, the place of the transaction, the make, model, manufacturer’s number, caliber and other identifying marks on the handgun, and such other information as the Superintendent of the State Police deems necessary for proper enforcement.2
The register shall be retained by the dealer and shall be made available at all reasonable hours for inspection by any law enforcement officer.2 Copies of the register shall be delivered within five days of a sale or transfer to local law enforcement (or the local county clerk) and the New Jersey State Police.3
A separate regulation requires all retail firearms dealers to maintain permanent records in bound form of all firearm acquisitions and dispositions, including frames and receivers.4 Such information must be recorded no later than at the close of the next business day following the date of acquisition or disposition.2
Prior to the time a handgun permittee receives the handgun, he or she shall deliver the permit to the seller, and the seller is required to enter all the information on the permit form.5 The seller shall keep a copy as a permanent record, and deliver the completed permit (or copies) to local law enforcement and NJSP within five days of the date of sale.2
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