Wisconsin generally prohibits the intentional transfer of any firearm to an individual under age 18.1
The state also generally prohibits the possession of a firearm by any person under age 18.2
These restrictions do not apply, however, when the firearm is being used by a person under age 18 when supervised by an adult during target practice or a course of instruction.3
Wisconsin law generally provides that for hunting purposes, the minimum age for possession or control of a firearm is age 12.4 A person age 12 but under age 14 may not hunt without being accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or a person at least 18 years of age who is designated by the parent or guardian.5 A young person 12 to 14 years of age also may possess a firearm if he or she is enrolled in instruction under the state hunter education program and is carrying the firearm in a case, unloaded, to or from that class, or is handling or operating the firearm during that class under the supervision of an instructor.6
Federal age restrictions also apply.
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- Wis. Stat. § 948.60(2)(b).
- Wis. Stat. § 948.60(2)(a). These restrictions only apply to a person under age 18 who possesses or is armed with a rifle or a shotgun if the firearm is a short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun, or if the person is not in compliance with the hunting regulations set forth in Wis. Stat. §§ 29.304 and 29.593.
- Wis. Stat. § 948.60(3).
- Wis. Stat. § 29.304(1)(a).
- Wis. Stat. § 29.304(2).
- Wis. Stat. § 29.304(2)(b)2. For additional information on restricting the use of firearms by persons under age 16, see section 29.304(2), (3), and (5).