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A hotelkeeper has the right to evict a person, whether or not the person is a guest of the hotel, who seeks to bring a firearm into the hotel.1 The hotelkeeper is not required to provide accommodations, facilities or privileges of the hotel to any such person.2

Idaho law limits the ability of government-owned property to restrict concealed carry at those locations; any restriction on the carrying of concealed weapons for these properties may only be invoked when the use of such property is for specified purposes.3

State administrative regulations require any agency that enters into a Medicaid provider agreement with the state for the provision of mental health clinic services to prohibit firearms in the clinic facility.4 In addition, firearms are not allowed in:

  • A children’s residential care facility;5
  • Children’s therapeutic outdoor programs;6 and
  • State veterans’ homes.7

Concealed weapons are generally prohibited into any courthouse, juvenile detention facility, or jail.8

Concealed weapons license holders are also subject to generally applicable location restrictions. For example, licensees generally may not carry a concealed weapon within a student dormitory or residence hall, or within the building of a “public entertainment facility” owned by a college or university (theaters, auditoriums, sports arenas, etc., with a seating capacity of at least 1,000) provided that proper signage is conspicuously posted at each public entrance to the facility notifying attendees of any restriction on the possession of firearms in the facility during the game or event.9

Idaho has no statutes prohibiting firearms in the following places, although administrative regulations may apply:

  • Hospitals;
  • Sports arenas (other than those related to an elementary or secondary school or certain facilities owned by colleges and universities);
  • Gambling facilities;
  • Polling places; or
  • Establishments that serve alcohol.


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  1. Idaho Code Ann. § 39-1805.
  2. Idaho Code Ann. § 39-1809.
  3. Idaho Code Ann. § 18-3302.
  4. Idaho Admin. Code r.
  5. Idaho Admin. Code r.
  6. Idaho Admin. Code r.
  7. Idaho Admin. Code r.
  8. Idaho Code Ann. §§ 18-3302C; 18-3302D(4)(f).
  9. Idaho Code Ann. § 18-3309(2). These location restrictions are subject to limited exceptions, including that they do not apply to a person who possesses a firearm in a private vehicle while delivering students, employees or other persons to and from a university, college or public entertainment facility. Id.