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New Jersey prohibits firearms in the buildings, grounds, or parking area of the following locations:1
- A place owned, leased, or under the control of state, county or municipal government used for the purpose of government administration, including but not limited to police stations;
- A courthouse, courtroom, or any other premises used to conduct judicial or court administrative proceedings or functions;
- A state, county, or municipal correctional or juvenile justice facility, jail and any other place maintained by or for a governmental entity for the detention of criminal suspects or offenders;
- A State-contracted half-way house;
- A location being used as a polling place during the conduct of an election and places used for the storage or tabulation of ballots;
- Within 100 feet of a place where a public gathering, demonstration or event is held for which a government permit is required, during the conduct of such gathering, demonstration or event;
- A school, college, university or other educational institution, and on any school bus;
- A child care facility, including a day care center;
- A nursery school, pre-school, zoo, or summer camp;
- A park, beach, recreation facility or area or playground owned or controlled by a state, county or local government unit, or any part of such a place, which is designated as a gun free zone by the governing authority based on considerations of public safety;
- Youth sports events (other than sporting competitions), as defined, during and immediately preceding and following the conduct of the event;
- A publicly owned or leased library or museum;
- A shelter for the homeless, children’s shelter, child care shelter, shelter for victims of domestic violence, or any shelter licensed by or under the control of the Juvenile Justice Commission or the Department of Children and Families;
- A community residence for persons with developmental disabilities, head injuries, or terminal illnesses, or any other residential setting licensed by the Department of Human Services or Department of Health;
- A bar or restaurant where alcohol is served, and any other site or facility where alcohol is sold for consumption on the premises;
- Certain cannabis retailers or medical cannabis dispensaries, including any licensed consumption areas;
- A privately or publicly owned and operated entertainment facility including but not limited to a theater, stadium, museum, arena, racetrack or other place where performances, concerts, exhibits, games or contests are held;
- A casino and related facilities, including but not limited to appurtenant hotels, retail premises, restaurant and bar facilities, and entertainment and recreational venues located within the casino property;
- A plant or operation that produces, converts, distributes or stores energy or converts one form of energy to another;
- An airport or public transportation hub;
- A health care facility, including but not limited to a general hospital, psychiatric hospital, diagnostic center, treatment center, rehabilitation center, extended care facility, skilled nursing home, nursing home, outpatient clinic, dispensary, assisted living center, home health care agency, residential treatment facility, residential health care facility, medical office, or ambulatory care facility;
- A facility licensed or regulated by the Department of Human Services, Department of Children and Families, or Department of Health, other than a health care facility, that provides addiction or mental health treatment or support services;
- A public location being used for making motion picture or television images for theatrical, commercial or educational purposes, during the time such location is being used for that purpose;
- Private property unless the owner has provided express consent or has posted a sign indicating that it is permissible to carry on the premises a concealed handgun with a valid and lawfully issued permit; and
- Any other place in which the carrying of a firearm is prohibited by statute or rule or regulation promulgated by a federal or State agency.
In spite of these location restrictions, a person with a valid concealed carry permit may:
- Transport a concealed handgun or ammunition within a vehicle into or out of the parking area, provided that the handgun is unloaded and contained in a closed and securely fastened case, gunbox, or locked unloaded in the trunk or storage area of the vehicle;
- Store a handgun or ammunition within a locked lock box and out of plain view within the vehicle in the parking area;
- Transport a concealed handgun in the immediate area surrounding their vehicle within a prohibited parking lot area only for the limited purpose of storing or retrieving the handgun within a locked lock box in the vehicle’s trunk or other place inside the vehicle that is out of plain view; and
- Transport a concealed handgun between a vehicle parked within a prohibited parking lot area and a place other than a prohibited place, provided that the person immediately leaves the parking lot area and does not enter into or on the grounds of the prohibited place with the handgun.
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