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Delia Ramirez

US House Illinois — 3rd District Democrat
State Representative Delia Ramirez is an accomplished legislator, community leader, and coalition builder who has dedicated her life and career to advocating for working families. A core tenet of that work is keeping her constituents safe from harm—and Representative Ramirez is ready to  advocate for solutions to America’s epidemic of gun violence in Congress. First elected to the Illinois General Assembly in 2018, she is the co-founder of the Illinois House Progressive Caucus and now serves as assistant majority leader. 

Having grown up in Chicago’s Humboldt Park neighborhood—where gun violence is all too common—Representative Ramirez is acutely aware of the need to solve the root causes of crime and violence. She knows that building safe communities requires a comprehensive plan that includes funding community-based youth programs and mental health services, investing in domestic violence prevention, and reinvesting in communities that have long been  neglected. As a state legislator, she fought to do just that—and secured 250 million dollars for community-based violence prevention in neighborhoods most impacted by gun violence. 

Representative Ramirez also supported the Illinois General Assembly’s critical “Fix the FOID” legislation, which expanded background checks for firearm purchases across the state of Illinois. In Congress, we know she will be a strong proponent of passing universal background checks, banning assault-style weapons, reducing the flow of illegal guns across state lines, and adequately funding street outreach and intervention programs. 

Representative Delia Ramirez knows what it takes to make real change, and she’s prepared to help maintain the current gun safety majority in the House this fall. With her in office, Illinoisans will have an unparalleled champion who will work around the clock to keep communities safe from senseless violence.

We are proud to endorse Delia Ramirez for the US House of Representatives.