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Eric Lynn

US House Florida — 13th District Democrat
Open Seat2022
Eric Lynn understands the trauma of gun violence all too well. In 1998, his 16-year-old cousin Louis was carjacked and murdered in Atlanta. The loss of his cousin is one of the many factors that drove Lynn to pursue a career in public service both on Capitol Hill and at the Pentagon. For years, he worked as a legislative staffer in Congress before joining then-Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign as one of its earliest staffers. Following President Obama’s victory, Lynn served as a senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense for six years. 

In each of his prior roles, Lynn has fought for the safety and security of American communities. With multiple significant mass shootings in Florida happening in recent years—such as the massacres at Pulse nightclub and in Parkland—Lynn knows he has an obligation to fight for commonsense gun reform to keep Pinellas County residents safe. As a father of three, he shares the same concern as parents across Florida when he drops his kids off at school every morning. In Congress, Lynn will fight to expand universal background checks, ban weapons of war, implement safe storage laws, and fund research into the root causes of gun violence. 

With our gun safety majority in the House on the line this November, we must work to elect devoted champions to Congress so a new generation of leaders can pass the additional reforms needed to save lives. We need to ensure that those actually impacted by everyday gun violence, like Eric Lynn, have a seat at the table in Washington work to help curb this country’s epidemic of violence. With him helping lead the way, we know that a safer future for all Floridians is possible.

We are proud to endorse Eric Lynn for the US House of Representatives.