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Gabe Amo

US House Rhode Island — 1st District Democrat
Representative Gabe Amo has been in some of the most important rooms in his state and our nation—from his time as director of public engagement and community affairs for former Governor Gina Raimondo to serving as President Biden’s principal liaison to mayors and local elected officials as the deputy director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and special assistant to the president, where he was often the first person from the White House to speak with a local elected leader after a mass shooting. In every role, he’s put people first and prioritized the issues impacting his community most, all while striving to create a safer tomorrow for our children and families.

After winning a hotly-contested special election in 2023, Representative Amo quickly got to work on improving our nation’s gun safety laws and pushing back on the gun lobby’s dangerous rhetoric in Washington DC. In office, he’s supported lifesaving measures to expand background checks to all gun sales, prohibit the sale of assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, fund desperately needed community violence intervention programs, and keep our children safe by strengthening safe firearm storage requirements for parents. Representative Amo also proudly co-lead the Destroy Zombie Guns Act to require the total destruction of a gun forfeited to a police department through gun buyback programs. This bill would prevent so-called gun disposal companies from only destroying part of a gun and reselling the remaining components after a gun buyback—which only leads to guns reappearing and inflicting harm in our cities and towns.

With so much on the line this fall, Rhode Islanders must mobilize like never before to make sure Representative Gabe Amo is reelected. With him continuing to lead the charge on gun violence prevention, a safer future is possible—and once gun safety champions like him retake the House, we can once again pass meaningful legislation to safeguard our communities from harm.

We are proud to endorse Gabe Amo for the US House of Representatives. 


The gun safety movement is on the march: Americans from different background are united in standing up for safer schools and communities. Join us to make your voice heard and power our next wave of victories.