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Kamala Harris

Vice PresidentDemocrat
Vice President Kamala Harris has broken countless barriers while fighting for policies that have had a meaningful impact on communities across the country. As attorney general of California, a United States senator, and now as the first female vice president, she has consistently made passing lifesaving gun safety laws a top priority—because she knows that our children deserve to live free from the threat of senseless violence.

During her tenure as California’s attorney general, Vice President Harris led a statewide effort to enforce the state’s strong gun laws and remove firearms from people prohibited from possessing them—resulting in thousands of deadly weapons being taken off the streets and away from those who posed a threat to themselves or others. In the US Senate, she was a powerful voice on the Judiciary Committee, where she pushed back on Republican inaction and proudly supported measures to expand background checks to all gun sales, close loopholes that put victims of domestic violence at risk, help states pass and implement extreme risk protection order laws, ban assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, and allocate much-needed funds to community violence intervention programs.

Vice President Harris has continued this advocacy in the White House, where she’s been one of the most formidable voices in the fight to curb American gun violence. Alongside President Biden, Vice President Harris has taken strong action to keep Americans safe, from helping to enact executive orders limiting ghost guns to passing the first major gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Because of her work, anyone under 21 attempting to buy long guns is now subject to enhanced background checks, gun traffickers and straw purchasers are subject to new restrictions, victims of domestic abuse are protected by stronger laws, states can access needed funding to implement extreme risk protection orders, and community violence intervention programs have seen the largest investment in their work in American history.

Vice President Harris and President Biden have led the most consequential action on gun safety in our country’s history—but there is still so much more to do to build a safer America for the next generation. It’s imperative that we reelect these proven gun safety champions in 2024—in fact, lives depend on it. Voters from coast to coast are demanding action, and with Vice President Harris helping to lead the charge for stronger gun laws, it’s clear that lifesaving progress is in reach.

We are proud to endorse Kamala Harris for Vice President of the United States.


The gun safety movement is on the march: Americans from different background are united in standing up for safer schools and communities. Join us to make your voice heard and power our next wave of victories.