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Kathy Jennings

Attorney General Delaware Democrat
A longtime advocate for gun safety, Attorney General Kathy Jennings works to protect Delaware communities from senseless gun violence every day. Before serving as Attorney General, Jennings worked at the Delaware Department of Justice where she prosecuted those responsible for gun violence. In this role she saw firsthand the tragic effect violence can have on Delaware families and dedicated herself to building a safer future.

Following the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, then-State Prosecutor Jennings worked alongside the Governor and Attorney General to advocate for several new gun safety laws. In 2018, Jennings ran for Attorney General to continue her fight for a safer Delaware. In her first term as Attorney General, she secured an 85% conviction rate on gun violence cases and helped pass historic new laws to crack down on ghost guns. Attorney General Jennings also advocated for the recent package of gun safety laws that bans assault weapons and high capacity magazines while raising the age of gun possession to 21. The new legislation also empowers the Attorney General’s office to hold gun manufacturers and dealers accountable for their role in our gun violence epidemic for any knowing or reckless conduct.

Now, more than ever, we need leaders who will put public safety first and fight to defend effective, commonsense gun legislation. Kathy Jennings has proven she will always be a restless gun violence prevention champion. We know she will continue to work hand and hand with the Governor’s office and state legislature until every resident of Delaware can live free from violence and fear. 

We are proud to endorse Kathy Jennings for Attorney General of Delaware.