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Luke Torian

State House Virginia — HD-24 Democrat
As chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Delegate Luke Torian has been a leader in the fight to end gun violence and adequately fund the many programs needed to keep communities across the Commonwealth from harm. In office, he has secured $2.5 million for community-based violence intervention and prevention program grants that have made a tangible difference in numerous localities throughout Virginia. Delegate Torian knows that students in every community should be able to go to school free from the fear of gun violence, and he has authored legislation to give governing bodies at educational institutions the power to establish rules and regulations for the possession or transportation of firearms or ammunition on the properties that they own. Families across Prince William County deserve a champion like Delegate Torian fighting on their behalf in Richmond—and we must reeelect him this fall. With him leading the fight for safer communities, we know that the next generation can rest easier knowing that their elected representative will always put their needs over the special interests of the corporate gun lobby.

We are proud to endorse Luke Torian for the Virginia House of Delegates.