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Tony Evers

Governor Wisconsin Democrat
As a lifelong Wisconsinite, Governor Tony Evers is committed to protecting communities across his state from senseless violence and building a safer, stronger Wisconsin for the next generation. Having served as a public school teacher, principal, and administrator before his time as governor, he’s always been dedicated to improving the lives of children and ensuring their safety in the classroom. 
After two terms as Wisconsin’s superintendent of public instruction, Governor Evers defeated a two-term, NRA-backed Republican incumbent in 2018—winning one of the most competitive races in the country. In office, Governor Evers has prioritized commonsense gun safety measures, and even called the legislature into special session in 2019 to urge lawmakers to pass universal background checks. When they refused to take action, Governor Evers worked with federal partners to get needed funding to prevent gun violence, like the $800,000 he secured for community safety initiatives in Racine or the $25 million he helped guide toward violence prevention efforts in Milwaukee. He is also a strong proponent of extreme risk protection order laws and has challenged the extreme agenda of the gun lobby at every turn. Throughout his tenure, he has vetoed multiple dangerous bills that would have put communities across the state at risk of harm, including proposals that would have allowed guns on school grounds and given permit holders from states with weak concealed carry permitting systems the ability to carry their firearms throughout Wisconsin.

Without Governor Evers’s steadfast commitment to public safety, these radical proposals would be the law of the land—and we cannot afford to lose his important veto power this November. With extremist judges now waging war on commonsense gun laws, it is critical that we reelect gun safety governors across the country to keep people safe. We know that in Wisconsin, Governor Tony Evers is the right person for the job.

We are proud to endorse Tony Evers for governor.