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In the wake of the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, Nevada acted to significantly strengthen its gun safety laws, but still has much more it can do to save lives. 

In recent years, Nevada enacted an extreme risk protection order law, trigger activator ban, and child access prevention law as part of a bill introduced by Assemblywoman Sandra Jauregui, a survivor of the Las Vegas Route 91 shooting. In 2023, Nevada had the fifteenth highest gun death rate among the states. In an average year, 581 people die from gun violence in the state. That means someone dies from gun violence every 15 hours. Sixty-eight percent of those deaths are gun suicides, and 29% are gun homicides. In Nevada, the rate of gun deaths increased 24% from 2014 to 2023, compared to a 33% increase nationwide.

What Nevada Does Well

  • Universal background checks
  • Extreme risk protection orders
  • Child access prevention laws
  • State database background checks
  • Disarming procedures
  • Bump stock ban
  • Ghost gun law1

What Nevada Is Missing

  • Gun owner licensing
  • Most domestic violence gun laws
  • Assault weapon restrictions
  • Large capacity magazine ban
  • Waiting periods
  • Strong concealed carry law
  • Open carry regulations
  • Community violence intervention funding



The data is clear: States with stronger gun laws have less gun violence. See how your state compares in our annual ranking.

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We’re in this together. To build a safer America—one where children and parents in every neighborhood can learn, play, work, and worship without fear of gun violence—we need you standing beside us in this fight.


  1. In late 2021, a Nevada state court found portions of the state’s ghost gun law unconstitutional. Polymer 80, Inc. v. Sisolak, et al., Case No. 21-CV-00690, Order on Motions for Summary Judgment (Nev. 3rd Dist. Dec. 10, 2021). As a result, the provisions prohibiting ghost gun possession and transfer are currently unenforceable. Appeals will determine the final enforceability of Nevada’s ghost gun law.