Laws in Context Hero


Gun laws save lives, but they’re just one strategy for preventing gun violence. A range of tools, both government- and community-driven, are available for those at risk of becoming a gun violence victim, witness, or participant.


STRATEGIES FOR a safer america

When it comes to reducing, preventing, and addressing gun violence, having access to a diverse range of options, even in an emergency, can save lives. Gun violence has worked its way into nearly every aspect of American life, and it’s a complex, multifaceted problem. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. 

Outlined below are tools and methods that can be used to reduce gun violence in a variety of circumstances. In a domestic violence situation, for example, counselors, doctors, and lawyers can help create a safety plan to reduce risk. Community-based organizations can intervene with at-risk individuals before a shooting happens, helping prevent community violence. When it comes to preventing children from firing unsecured guns in the home, safe storage laws can head off a tragedy. 

While the types of gun violence vary, many of the solutions are connected—meaning there are opportunities to reduce risks that address multiple issues at once. For instance, in addition to engaging in violence interruption, community-based organizations can also provide mental health services to those seeking to harm themselves and can offer advice on the best way to keep children safe with a gun in the home. 

Gun safety laws are only one piece of the puzzle, and it’s critical to be prepared to address the various ways gun violence can impact communities. 



The data is clear: States with stronger gun laws have less gun violence. See how your state compares in our annual ranking.

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Students, veterans, survivors: Americans from all walks of life across the country are standing up for commonsense gun reform. If you’re fed up with politicians who care more about protecting gun lobby profits than your safety, stand with us in this fight. 

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