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Giffords Applauds Oregon Legislature for Passing Historic Bipartisan Community Violence Prevention Investments

With the 2022 legislative session adjourned, Giffords applauds Oregon for investing in evidence- and community-based solutions to reduce gun violence across the state 

Washington, DC — The Oregon state legislature just completed its legislative session, and the final state budget includes a $15 million investment to prevent gun violence and support violence intervention strategies. The investment marks the first-ever grant program to address gun violence in Oregon, backed with bipartisan support, and comes on the heels of a dramatic rise in gun violence across the state. 

Molly Voigt, Senior State Legislative Manager:

“Oregon took a critical step in the fight against gun violence this legislative session. This investment is a win for families throughout Oregon still dealing with everyday gun violence that shatters lives. This year’s budget includes the compassionate, effective solutions needed to protect vulnerable communities and reduce gun violence in a time when it is most necessary. Legislators like Representative Reynolds and Senator Lawrence Spence stood alongside advocates for commonsense gun violence prevention strategies and remained committed to the safety of all Oregonians. 

This progress would also not have been possible without the Ways & Means Co-Chairs Sen. Elizabeth Steiner-Hayward and Rep. Tawna Sanchez, in concert with the legislature’s Presiding Officers and with strong support from Attorney General Rosenblum and other legislators on both sides of the aisle. The actions of the legislature in prioritizing these funds are a model for states across the nation and we look forward to working with the Department of Justice as the grant program is developed.”

This program will be administered by the Oregon Department of Justice’s Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division, and a group of community stakeholders will inform the Division’s work to develop guidelines and ensure that this money is targeted towards the communities and organizations across the state that need it most.

The legislature also passed HB 4045 this session, which sets up the framework to support and expand hospital-based violence intervention and prevention programs in Oregon. HB 4045 invests $4 million to support and expand existing programs, and $1 million to start up new hospital-based violence prevention programs outside of the Portland area. Additionally, this bill will professionalize and certify providers and allow Oregon to seek Medicaid reimbursement for these programs, providing long-term stable funding for crucial community interventions. 

Giffords applauds Oregon legislators and administrators for prioritizing solutions to reduce gun violence in their budget process, and will continue to work with stakeholders to advance gun safety solutions in the future.


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