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ICYMI: New Poll Shows Skyrocketing Support for Stronger Gun Laws

The most popular policies include requiring background checks on all gun sales, combating gun trafficking and the spread of illegal guns, and blocking those who commit domestic abuse from owning guns.

Washington DC  — Today, Navigator released a new poll showing huge public support for commonsense laws to reduce gun violence. The poll of 1,000 registered voters showed nearly one-in-three think that addressing gun violence should be the single top priority for Congress, more than any issue besides inflation and the economy. This comes as the NRA convention begins, where several Republican presidential candidates will be speaking, in direct contrast to what these poll results show. 

Peter Ambler, Executive Director and Co-Founder:

“Today’s polling mirrors what elected officials are hearing from constituents back home. Voters are fed up with elected officials who willingly put their constituents’ lives at risk to remain on good terms with the gun lobby. The NRA should read this poll and use today’s convention to do some serious soul searching.

“It’s time for our leaders in Congress and statehouses across the country to have the courage to act to address gun violence. Lives are on the line and this cannot wait.”

Key Highlights:

  • Gun violence ranks among the top three issues that Americans feel Congress should focus on.
  • Seventy-four percent of Americans think gun violence is a “major issue” or “crisis,” up from 66% in mid-February.
  • Two in three Americans don’t think enough has been done to address gun violence. 
  • The overwhelming majority (87%) support background checks, including the majority of Republicans, Independents, and gun owners.


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