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GIFFORDS PAC announces $1.1 million investment to elect George Whitesides in CA-27

WASHINGTON — Today, the national gun violence prevention organization GIFFORDS, founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, announced a $1.1 million investment in the race to represent California’s 27th Congressional District, as part of its $15 million commitment to electing and supporting gun safety champions in 2024. The campaign will focus on communicating with women and Latino voters in CA-27, and include bilingual cable and digital ads in opposition to Rep. Mike Garcia.

“California families want safe communities, but Mike Garcia opposes commonsense solutions like closing loopholes that let dangerous people get their hands on guns. He is fundamentally out of step with Californians,” said GIFFORDS Executive Director Emma Brown. “Parents shouldn’t have to worry about their kids’ safety when they go to school or out with friends. George Whitesides is the only candidate in this race who will stand up to the gun lobby and keep schools and streets safe from crime and gun violence.”

“TOO FAR” :30

NARRATOR: MAGA extremists like Mike Garcia have gone too far.

Garcia supports a national abortion ban – with no exceptions. 

And refuses to close loopholes that let criminals and dangerous people get guns.

Mike Garcia’s just too extreme for California families.

“NO MATCH” :30 

NARRATOR: Every day we send them off to school praying they make it home safely.

But children ducking under a desk is no match for an AR-15.

And Mike Garcia’s extreme gun agenda is making it worse.

Garcia refuses to close loopholes that let criminals and dangerous people get their hands on guns. And these tragedies keep happening. 

Mike Garcia’s votes are putting our kids’ lives at risk. They deserve better.


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