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GIFFORDS PAC endorses Joyce Craig for governor of New Hampshire

WASHINGTON — Today, GIFFORDS PAC, the national gun violence prevention organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, endorsed Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig to be the next governor of New Hampshire.

“Voters across New Hampshire have a clear choice in this election—they can either vote for Kelly Ayotte, a former US Senator who is in the gun lobby’s pocket and voted against her state’s safety, or for Mayor Joyce Craig, a strong champion who has successfully reduced gun violence during her tenure leading Manchester as mayor. The contrast could not be more stark as too many people continue to die from gun violence every year. New Hampshire needs a leader who will put public safety first. That’s why I am proud to endorse Mayor Joyce Craig for governor today. I know that strong women get things done and she’ll fight tirelessly to pass and implement lifesaving reforms like universal background checks and extreme risk laws,” said former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. 

“I am thrilled to stand with Congresswoman Giffords and GIFFORDS PAC in the effort to make our communities safer and end our nation’s epidemic of gun violence,” said Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig. “We made progress in the fight to reduce gun violence in Manchester by implementing the City’s first Gun Violence Reduction Strategy, working closely with law enforcement we were able to reduce gun crimes by 32 percent. The evidence-based strategies we used in Manchester can work in communities across New Hampshire and as governor I will remain committed to keeping our children, our schools, and our communities safe from gun violence.”

Mayor Craig has led the city of Manchester for three terms and previously served as a local school board member and as an alderman. As mayor, Mayor Craig worked with law enforcement to reduce gun violence in Manchester and implement the city’s first gun violence reduction strategy, which took a community-centered approach to identifying, analyzing and developing evidence based responses to gun violence. After just one year, gunfire incidents committed were down 52 percent in Manchester. 


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