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Gun Violence Is a Crisis Florida Latinos Can No Longer Ignore

New research on how we think, talk, and vote.

As a Venezuelan immigrant who’s made Florida my home, I’ve had the privilege of working with many Latinos across this beautiful state.

One thing we all share is a love for family, culture, and opportunity. But there’s another, darker reality we share: the ever-present threat of gun violence.

Florida has seen its Latino population grow rapidly over the last decade. Yet, as our numbers have increased, so too have the gun deaths affecting our communities. Too many of us know the pain of losing someone to gun violence—whether it’s a friend, a family member, or even a child. That’s why GIFFORDS set out to understand how Latinos in Florida think, feel, and vote when it comes to gun violence.

Our Voices Matter

Our latest report, Latino Voices in Florida: Thinking, Talking & Voting about Gun Violence, reveals just how personal this issue is for so many of us. We spoke to Latino Floridians from all walks of life, different countries, and diverse political beliefs. But no matter where we came from, there was one thing we could all agree on: gun violence threatens the American Dream.

As a mother and community advocate, I hear very real concerns all the time. Parents worrying about sending their children to school, wondering if they’ll come home safe. A grandmother afraid to go grocery shopping out of fear that a conflict might turn deadly—after all, who knows how many people are armed? Family members horrified that their loved one in a crisis might end their life because of easy access to a gun.

It’s heartbreaking and, quite frankly, unacceptable. Latinos in Florida are tired of being scared. We’re tired of feeling like our safety isn’t a priority.

A Florida-Sized Problem

The reality is that gun violence is taking a disproportionate toll on our community. In an average year, over 400 Latinos are killed by guns in Florida. And as if that wasn’t alarming enough, gun deaths among our community have increased by 33% over the past decade.

The numbers speak for themselves, but what struck me the most in our conversations was how gun violence shapes our everyday lives. Parents told us how they’ve had to adjust their routines—dropping their kids off at school while praying there won’t be a shooting, or skipping community events because the risk just feels too high. It shouldn’t be this way.

Roughly 70% of the people we interviewed had heard of Florida’s new permitless carry law, which allows people to carry hidden, loaded guns in public with no background check and no training. Every single person we interviewed opposed this policy, expressing concerns that more guns in public would cause more aggression, intimidation, and violence.

Why Are We Voting on This?

In 2024, over 2 million Latino voters are expected to head to the polls in Florida. That’s a powerful number, and it means our voices can make a difference. Yet, when it comes to voting, many of us still feel disconnected from the political conversations about gun safety. One participant put it simply: “I know gun violence is important, but I don’t see candidates talking about it enough.”

That’s why we need leaders who aren’t afraid to talk about this issue and its solutions. Gun safety isn’t a fringe issue—it’s a top concern for Latino voters in Florida, and candidates would do well to recognize that.

Our Call for Change

The time has come for Florida to address the gun violence crisis head-on. As a community, we’re asking for commonsense reforms that keep our children safe and our families whole. Whether it’s stronger background checks, safer gun storage, or keeping guns out of the wrong hands, these are steps that the vast majority of Latinos in Florida support.

We need action, not just thoughts and prayers.

This report is a call to every candidate, every elected official, and every community leader: Latinos in Florida are ready for change. We’re ready to be part of the solution, and we’re ready to vote for it.

Read the report: Latino Voices in Florida: Thinking, Talking & Voting about Gun Violence
(Disponible en español)


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Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have demonstrated their commitment to fighting gun violence again and again, making gun safety a top priority in their campaign. We’re proud to stand with them in this must-win race, and we hope you will too.

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We’re building a movement of Americans committed to gun safety. Democrats and Republicans, gun owners and non–gun owners alike—we stand united to reject the gun lobby and pass lifesaving gun safety laws.