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Chris Murphy

US Senate Connecticut Democrat
For Senator Chris Murphy, the fight to save lives from senseless gun violence is deeply personal. In 2012, 20 innocent students and six educators were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut in an unthinkable tragedy that turned Senator Murphy’s congressional district at the time into the site of one of America’s deadliest mass shootings. Following the shooting, Senator Murphy vowed that he would do everything in his power to strengthen our nation’s gun laws—and for the last decade, he’s done just that in the United States Senate.

In office, Senator Murphy has been the strongest possible voice for commonsense gun safety measures in Washington. Time and again, he has introduced legislation to expand background checks to all gun sales and supported bills that would remove weapons of war from America’s streets. In the wake of countless tragedies, including the devastating shootings at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando and Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Senator Murphy has fought to break the legislative logjams that have long prevented legislators from taking action to protect our communities—even going so far as to filibuster for 15 hours on the Senate floor in support of lifesaving solutions. 

Like so many in this movement, Senator Murphy knows that gun safety should not be a partisan issue. In 2022, he worked across the aisle to draft and pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first significant piece of federal gun safety legislation to be signed into law in nearly 30 years. This landmark legislation made gun trafficking and straw purchasing federal crimes, disarmed domestic abusers, provided funding to states to implement extreme risk protection order laws, and allocated needed dollars to mental health and school safety programs. It also marked the largest investment in community violence intervention programs in American history, which is a core priority for Senator Murphy. He’s worked with leaders in cities like Hartford, New Haven, and Bridgeport for years to make sure that the conversation around gun violence doesn’t just follow mass shootings, but actively addresses the daily violence faced by too many across his state.

Because of the work of champions like Senator Murphy, countless lives have been saved from America’s epidemic of violence. Yet there is still so much left to do to build a safer future for the next generation—and it’s imperative that voters across Connecticut send Senator Chris Murphy back to Washington in 2024. With him continuing to lead the way on this issue, we know that progress is possible.

We are proud to endorse Chris Murphy for the US Senate.