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Eugene Vindman

US House Virginia — 7th District Democrat
Open Seat2024
As a father and a veteran with a 25-year career in the US Army, Eugene Vindman knows that weapons of war have no place on our streets. For too long, inaction by Congress has left our communities in danger and our children’s lives in peril. But if elected to represent Virginia’s Seventh District, Vindman is committed to working across the aisle to enact the commonsense gun safety legislation needed to bring about real change.

From Virginia Tech to Virginia Beach, his state has experienced terrible mass shootings. This issue is personal for Vindman—when his son was in high school, he went into lockdown because of a gun found at his school, and Vindman’s mind immediately went to the worst-case scenario. He’s committed to passing universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole, instituting red flag laws nationally and requiring training, certification, licensing, and safe storage requirements nationally so that no parent has to worry like he did. Vindman is also determined to comprehensive mental health care so we can end the gun suicide epidemic in America.

For the last two years, Republicans in Congress have put politics ahead of public safety time and time again. It’s crucial that we regain a gun safety majority in the chamber this fall to get back to achieving real results for the American people—especially as too many continue to have their lives changed forever by gun violence. That potential majority runs through Virginia’s Seventh District, and it’s so important that voters mobilize like never before to send Eugene Vindman to Washington DC to advocate on their behalf. With him helping lead the way on this issue, we know progress is possible.

We are proud to endorse Eugene Vindman for the US House of Representatives. 


The gun safety movement is on the march: Americans from different background are united in standing up for safer schools and communities. Join us to make your voice heard and power our next wave of victories.