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Greg Landsman

US House Ohio — 1st District Democrat
Like so many in this movement, Congressman Greg Landsman knows that America’s gun violence epidemic is out of control and that parents like him shouldn’t have to worry if their kids will make it off the school bus each afternoon. He knows it’s unacceptable that families across Ohio can’t feel safe walking around in their neighborhoods or going to their grocery store, house of worship, or local movie theater without having to worry about being shot, and he’s committed to doing something about it in office. 

Throughout his career as a teacher, a member of the Cincinnati City Council, and now in the US House, Congressman Landsman has always put service to others first—and one of his top priorities is to keep his constituents safe from senseless violence. In Washington DC, Congressman Landsman has always stood up to the gun lobby and its enablers and advocated for meaningful solutions to curb the high rates of violence plaguing communities across the country like implementing universal background checks on all gun sales and strengthening firearms storage requirements. Congressman Landsman has also worked diligently to increase funding community violence intervention programs and get dangerous weapons out of the hands of those who pose a risk to themselves or others. 

Congressman Greg Landsman knows that even one life lost from gun violence is unacceptable, and he’s committed to working with members on both sides of the aisle to build a safer future for his children and every Ohio family. With so much on the line this November, it’s imperative that voters send him to Congress to continue fighting positive change in a new gun safety majority.

We are proud to endorse Greg Landsman for the US House of Representatives.