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Pete Aguilar

US House California — 33rd District Democrat
House Democratic Caucus Chairman Pete Aguilar has been an unwavering advocate for commonsense gun safety reforms during his years in public service. As mayor of Redlands, California, he was an early member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition. As San Bernardino County’s voice in Congress and as a member of House leadership, Chairman Aguilar understands that gun violence should not be a partisan issue, and he has repeatedly taken on the gun lobby. 

For Chairman Aguilar and members of his community, this issue is deeply personal. In 2015, during his first year in Washington DC, he was voting on a procedural bill when he began receiving messages from friends and staff saying that he was needed in California immediately. One mile away from his district office in San Bernardino, a deadly terrorist attack at the Inland Regional Center had occurred. This incident left 14 individuals dead, 22 wounded, and his community reeling from the deadly toll of senseless gun violence. 

Since then, Chairman Aguilar has been a passionate voice in the fight to bolster public safety, and he has never allowed the issue of gun violence to slip from public consciousness. In Washington DC, Chairman Aguilar has worked to pass universal background checks, prevent illegal gun trafficking, invest in community violence intervention programs, and root out homegrown radicalism and hate-fueled violence. In 2022, he also proudly joined with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass the landmark Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first major gun safety legislation signed into law in nearly 30 years.

With so much on the line this fall, it is absolutely essential that strong gun safety champions like Chairman Aguilar are reelected. We know that members of a new generation of leaders will be responsible for ending gun violence in America once and for all if given a new gun safety majority this November, and we need Chairman Pete Aguilar’s voice leading his caucus in Congress to continue moving the needle on this life or death issue.

We are proud to endorse Pete Aguilar for the US House of Representatives.


The gun safety movement is on the march: Americans from different background are united in standing up for safer schools and communities. Join us to make your voice heard and power our next wave of victories.