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Raphael Warnock

US Senate Georgia Democrat
In 2021, Senator Raphael Warnock pulled off a feat that many thought to be impossible—he won a close election against an NRA-backed opponent as a Democrat in Georgia, flipping the balance of power in the US Senate. With his historic election, Senator Warnock helped usher in a gun safety majority in the Senate for the first time in six years, and he has consistently supported the types of commonsense solutions needed to end the scourge of gun violence ever since. 

Long before the people of Georgia sent him to Washington DC, Senator Warnock understood the threat that gun violence poses to our schools and houses of worship. As both a father and a pastor, he believes no one should feel afraid in a space that’s meant to feel safe, and like the man whose church he now preaches at—Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.—Senator Warnock knows we need to demonstrate the courage to act if we want to create real change in America. 

After a gunman killed eight people in a shooting spree in Atlanta last year, Senator Warnock vowed to do everything in his power to make sure that families don’t ever have to endure this kind of violence. He is a champion for gun safety in the Senate, supporting legislation that would close loopholes in our gun laws that allow people who have committed domestic abuse to access firearms, require background checks on all gun sales, and secure funding for community violence initiatives and gun violence research. We know that Senator Warnock is exactly the candidate to bring people together to get something done on this issue, because he’s been doing it his whole life. In every position he’s held, Senator Warnock has carried his faith and his deep Georgia roots with him as he unites those around him to make our communities safer. We need Senator Warnock in the Senate—and with our gun safety majority on the line, it’s more important than ever that Georgians send him back to Washington DC for a full term.

We are proud to endorse Raphael Warnock for the US Senate.


The gun safety movement is on the march: Americans from different background are united in standing up for safer schools and communities. Join us to make your voice heard and power our next wave of victories.