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Rebecca Cooke

US House Wisconsin — 3rd District Democrat
As a small business owner and nonprofit leader, Rebecca Cooke has focused her career on building community and serving others. Her parents emphasized the values of hard work, personal responsibility, honesty, and loyalty. She learned to show up for people because it is the right thing to do, not because of what was in it for her. Now, Cooke is running for Congress to better serve communities across Wisconsin, put people first, and address the issues that matter to everyday families across her district—including our nation’s gun violence epidemic. 

Cooke understands Wisconsin’s rich heritage of hunting and sport shooting—and while she respects that tradition and has spent time at a deer camp or two, she also knows that we have a responsibility to enact commonsense gun safety reforms to keep our children and communities safe from senseless shootings. In Congress, she’ll work to close the Charleston Loophole, enact red flag laws that allow law enforcement and families to disarm those who pose a risk to themselves or others, and expand background checks to all gun sales. She’ll also be a champion for strong safe storage requirements, because she wants people to be able to responsibly own guns, while still ensuring that they can’t fall into the hands of an innocent child or someone who shouldn’t have access.

This fall, Wisconsinites have a clear choice on their ballot—reelect one of the most extreme members of Congress who will do the gun lobby’s bidding time and time again or start a new chapter by electing a committed champion like Rebecca Cooke, who will always fight for both their safety and their Second Amendment rights. It’s simple, with Rebecca Cooke helping lead the way on this issue in a new gun safety majority, real progress towards building a better future for the next generation is possible.

We are proud to endorse Rebecca Cookefor the US House of Representatives. 


The gun safety movement is on the march: Americans from different background are united in standing up for safer schools and communities. Join us to make your voice heard and power our next wave of victories.