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Rodney Willett

State House Virginia — HD-58 Democrat
As a Virginia native who grew up in a family of teachers, Delegate Rodney Willett knows how important it is to protect young people across the Commonwealth from the dangers of gun violence. He understands that our children should never be made to feel unsafe in their schools, places of worship, or in public spaces like parks or grocery stores. Too many Viriginians have lost their lives in senseless shootings, and Delegate Willett has worked diligently in Richmond to honor them with action. In office, he has served as chief co-patron on an assault weapons ban and legislation to increase penalties for adult gun owners who allow minors to use a gun in a crime. Understanding that too many of our kids have been put in dangerous situations due to unrestricted firearm access, Delegate Willett has made the safe storage of firearms a top legislative priority. In 2024, he’s determined to see real results on this issue and is ready to work with any member to save lives across the commonwealth. To do so, though, he must win one of the toughest races in Virginia this fall. It’s imperative that voters across Central Virginia mobilize like never before and send this determined gun safety champion this fall. With Delegate Rodney Willett in office, they can rest easier knowing that he’ll always put the safety of their communities first.

We are proud to endorse Rodney Willett for the Virginia House of Delegates.


The gun safety movement is on the march: Americans from different background are united in standing up for safer schools and communities. Join us to make your voice heard and power our next wave of victories.