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Sue Altman

US House New Jersey — 7th District Democrat
Having served as both an educator and the head of the New Jersey Working Families Alliance, Sue Altman knows what it takes to make a difference in the lives of others and achieve real results for her community. For years, she’s worked to stand up for the needs of the next generation and combat political corruption in Trenton, and in Congress, she’ll continue this important work by helping pass meaningful legislation to keep our students safe and take on the corporate gun lobby’s dangerous agenda.

New Jersey is home to some of America’s strongest state-level gun laws, and if elected to the US House, Altman’s top priority will be to replicate the success of her state at the national level by strengthening our federal firearms laws. Altman is a strong proponent of expanding background checks to all gun sales, supports measures to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to hold gun manufacturers accountable and give survivors their day in court, and will work with law enforcement to get the deadly assault weapons that have been used in far too many mass shootings from coast to coast off our streets. She’ll also push to incentivize responsible gun owners to safely store their weapons, and support legislation to fully disarm domestic abusers, and provide desperately needed funding to gun violence research and lifesaving community violence intervention programs.

In 2020, President Biden won New Jersey’s Seventh District by nearly five points, yet the seat is currently held by a Republican incumbent who refuses to do anything to curb our country’s epidemic of gun violence. It’s unacceptable, and this November, voters must send Sue Altman to Congress to work with a new gun safety House majority to keep all of our families safe from senseless shootings. With her helping lead the way on Capitol Hill, New Jersey families can once again rest easier knowing that their elected voice in the House will always put their well-being first.

We are proud to endorse Sue Altman for the US House of Representatives.


The gun safety movement is on the march: Americans from different background are united in standing up for safer schools and communities. Join us to make your voice heard and power our next wave of victories.