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Ted Lieu

US HouseDemocrat
Having served on active duty in the US Air Force, Vice Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus Ted Lieu understands the power firearms wield and he’s worked tirelessly throughout his career to ensure that the weapons he trained on overseas don’t fall into the hands of those seeking to do harm at home. 

In office, Vice Chair Lieu has been steadfast in his mission to keep Californians safe and to prevent senseless acts of violence from tearing his community apart. Since he was first elected to the US House in 2015, Vice Chair Lieu has proudly voted to expand background checks, regulate deadly assault weapons and untraceable ghost guns, fund desperately needed research into the root causes of gun violence, disarm domestic abusers, support lifesaving community violence intervention programs, and curtail the dangerous practice of gun trafficking. Time and time again, he’s called out inaction on gun safety in the wake of countless devastating tragedies and urged his colleagues across the aisle to put the needs of our children and families ahead of the gun lobby’s campaign contributions. In 2022, he did just that by helping to pass the landmark Bipartisan Safer Communities Act—the first major gun safety bill signed into law in nearly 30 years, which received the support of 14 House Republicans.

Vice Chair Lieu is a consensus builder we need in Washington DC to continue pushing for solutions that will eliminate the scourge of gun violence once and for all. With him helping to lead the Democratic caucus, we know that real progress on this life or death issue is possible—and once gun safety champions retake the House in November, it’s clear that Vice Chair Ted Lieu will be in a position to pass crucial gun safety reforms and usher in a safer future for every American.

We are proud to endorse Ted Lieu for the US House of Representatives. 


The gun safety movement is on the march: Americans from different background are united in standing up for safer schools and communities. Join us to make your voice heard and power our next wave of victories.