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Teresa Leger Fernandez

US House New Mexico — 3rd District Democrat
Like many families in her district in rural New Mexico, Representative Teresa Leger Fernandez was born into a gun-owning household and was raised in a family that hunted as a way of life. Her father instilled in her and her siblings a deep commitment to gun safety, and was himself an outspoken voice for gun violence prevention measures as a state legislator. Representative Leger Fernandez brings this valuable experience and her connection to New Mexico’s culture of hunting, gun ownership, and gun safety to her work in Congress and her fight to ensure that all of our families and communities can live free from gun violence.  

Since her election to Congress in 2020, Representative Leger Fernandez has made her mark as a fervent champion for gun violence prevention in the House, especially for communities of color. In office, Representative Leger Fernandez has cosponsored legislation to expand background checks to all gun sales, close both the boyfriend and stalker loopholes, strengthen safe storage requirements, raise the age to purchase certain types of firearms, and implement suicide prevention policies that limit access to firearms and other lethal means when an individual is in crisis. As the voice for a district where far too many families have faced the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women, Representative Leger Fernandez has also worked tirelessly to shine a light on the intersection of gun violence, domestic violence, and the federal government’s obligations to Native communities. 

With so much on the line this fall, it’s imperative that New Mexicans send committed gun safety champions like Representative Teresa Leger Fernandez back to Congress this November. In a new gun safety majority, she’ll continue to lead the fight for stronger gun laws and protect communities across her district from harm. In her, New Mexicans of all backgrounds can be sure they have an elected official in Washington DC that will always put their well-being first.

We are proud to endorse Teresa Leger Fernandez for the US House of Representatives.


The gun safety movement is on the march: Americans from different background are united in standing up for safer schools and communities. Join us to make your voice heard and power our next wave of victories.