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Tom Suozzi

US House New York — 3rd District Democrat
Open Seat2024
Former Congressman Tom Suozzi has committed his 30-year public service career to delivering results for his constituents. His philosophy of working with anyone who shares his goal of solving our biggest problems and improving the lives of New Yorkers has guided his career and led to notable accomplishments on many issues—including gun safety.

Like many in this movement, Congressman Suozzi knows that America’s epidemic of violence is one of the greatest moral failings of our time and he’s been a leading advocate for lifesaving actions at the local and national level for decades. As Nassau county executive, Congressman Suozzi successfully pioneered a successful gun buyback program, taking more than 1,100 illegal operable handguns off the streets during his tenure. After winning a seat in Congress in 2016, Congressman Suozzi cosponsored crucial legislation to expand background checks to all gun sales and to get guns out of the hands of those who pose a threat to themselves or others. In 2022, Congressman Suozzi joined Democrats and Republicans alike to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022—the first meaningful gun safety legislation to be signed into law in nearly 30 years. 

New Yorkers know that while we’ve made incredible progress in recent years, there is so much more to do to curb gun violence in our communities and keep our children and families safe. In this critical special election, they must once again send a committed champion to Washington DC to break through the gridlock in Congress and put public safety first—and that champion is Congressman Tom Suozzi. With him helping lead the charge on gun safety once again, real progress will be possible.

We are proud to endorse Tom Suozzi for the US House of Representatives.