Release: ARS survey shows broad support for enactment of Nevada background checks bill
Click to download the findings (PDF) from the recent Americans for Responsible Solutions Nevada survey and the statement of Capt. Mark Kelly relating to the state’s background checks legislation. Last week, Capt. Kelly visited the state capitol in Carson City to urge support of the SB 221. Additionally, ARS organized extensive constituent calls to delegates and Governor Sandoval in support of the bill.
— A consistent 84 percent of Nevadans support expanding background checks to cover most gun sales.
— “An unambiguous 72 percent support Senate Bill 221 requiring background checks on most private sales and transfers of guns, including those sold on the Internet and at gun shows. This majority includes 85 percent of Democrats and 64 percent of Republicans, as well as 76 percent of gun owners and even 55 percent of NRA households”
— “A 39 percent plurality, including 34 percent of independent voters, describe themselves as less likely to support [Sandoval] if he vetoes this legislation.”
Statement of Capt. Mark Kelly, co-founder of Americans for Responsible Solutions:
“Nevadans across the state, including Democrats, Republicans, Gun owners, and NRA members, strongly support the current background checks bill, and they’ve made it clear that there will be real ramifications for failing to sign this sensible solution into law. Governor Sandoval’s fellow Nevadans couldn’t be more clear – they want to make it harder for criminals and the mentally ill to have access to dangerous weapons, and they want the Governor to stand with them, not the gun lobby.”