Gabby’s Statement on a Victory for Common Sense: The Defeat of the Effort to Repeal Background Checks in North Carolina
July 27, 2015 – Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the Co-Founder of Americans for Responsible Solutions, issued the below statement this evening following the failure of the gun lobby’s irresponsible effort to repeal background checks in North Carolina’s General Assembly. The victory for common sense and loss for the gun lobby comes after the North Carolina State Senate passed HB 562 without the gun lobby-backed provision removing North Carolina’s current requirement that prospective handgun buyers first pass a background check to get a pistol permit. Congresswoman Giffords’ statement:
Last month, legislators in the North Carolina House of Representative had rejected similar efforts to roll back the state’s background checks laws before sending the legislation to the Senate following Americans for Responsible Solutions’ launch of a targeted TV and digital advertising campaign urging North Carolinians to contact their legislators and urge them to oppose provision. As part of that advertising campaign, Americans for Responsible Solutions aired a 30-second TV ad titled “Safe” urging North Carolinians to contact their legislators and tell them to oppose HB 562. (Watch “Safe” here.)