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GIFFORDS PAC Endorses Senator Sherrod Brown for Reelection

Washington DC  — Today, GIFFORDS PAC, the national gun violence prevention organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, endorsed Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown for reelection. With gun violence as a public health crisis and increasingly on the minds of Americans, Senator Brown’s pragmatic voice in Congress is critical in the fight for commonsense, popular gun safety reform.

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords

“I’m proud to endorse Senator Sherrod Brown, a friend and public servant who always reaches across the aisle to ensure Ohio’s needs are met. Senator Brown cares deeply about the safety of every Ohioan, and I’m confident that he will continue to fight for commonsense gun safety laws in the Senate. Now more than ever, we need principled leaders like Sherrod Brown in office, who will prioritize the safety of our kids and communities over the gun lobby’s money.”

US Senator Sherrod Brown

“For too long, the gun lobby has blocked any action to keep our kids and communities safe. I will always stand up to special interests that jeopardize our children and workers’ safety and support common sense solutions that balance Ohioans’ constitutional rights while protecting our communities from senseless gun violence.” 

In 2022, Senator Brown helped break a 30-year gridlock on gun safety by helping to pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. He has also supported background checks on all gun sales, red flag laws, and measures to ensure that gun owners safely store their weapons.


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