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GIFFORDS Texas Launches to Fight Gun Violence in the Lone Star State

Washington DC GIFFORDS, the national gun violence prevention organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, announced the launch of GIFFORDS Texas to expand its mission of saving lives from gun violence in the Lone Star State.

With the goal of notching policy, political and legal wins in a critical state, GIFFORDS Texas will engage communities across the state who have been impacted by gun violence, including Latinos, survivors, gun owners, and youth. The program will also dedicate resources towards a robust multi-year advocacy plan to shape common sense gun safety policy that better reflects the priorities of Texans.

GIFFORDS Texas will recruit, train, and elect gun safety champions who will bring commonsense leadership to Austin and Washington, DC. These rising political stars will prove the saliency of gun safety in Texas and show that focusing on saving lives will win elections.

Under Governor Greg Abbott’s administration, Texas has seen an increase of nearly 62% in gun deaths, according to CDC data—an upward trend caused by loosening gun laws. Although many Texas Republican politicians have sided with the gun lobby, the majority of Texans overwhelmingly support commonsense gun safety laws like background checks on all gun sales, raising the age to purchase a firearm and red flag laws that keep guns away from people considered to be a risk to themselves or others, according to a poll last year by The Texas Politics Project published in The Texas Tribune.

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords:

“Thousands of families in Texas are grieving due to gun violence. Governor Abbott and state lawmakers are ignoring Texans’ needs and consistently endangering communities. Our GIFFORDS Texas team will strengthen gun safety in the state by building strong coalitions across gun owners and young voters, electing gun safety champions, passing critical laws in Austin, and winning in court.”

Roger Garza, State Director, GIFFORDS Texas:

“I’m honored to lead GIFFORDS’s efforts in my home state. GIFFORDS Texas will give voice to communities that suffer from gun violence but are often excluded from these necessary conversations. We will also ensure that our elected officials hear Texans’ voices who are demanding action on gun safety. With decades of experience working in the state, I never hesitate to fight for the right cause, and saving lives from gun violence is my passion and priority.”


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