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GIFFORDS PAC announces $1M to elect Mondaire Jones

WASHINGTON — Today, the national gun violence prevention organization GIFFORDS, founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, announced a $1 million investment in the race to represent New York’s 17th Congressional District, as part of its $15 million commitment to electing and supporting gun safety champions in 2024. The campaign will focus on communicating with women in NY-17, and include cable and digital ads in support of former Rep. Mondaire Jones and in opposition to Rep. Mike Lawler.

“Mike Lawler pretends to be a different kind of Republican, but he consistently sides with extreme Washington Republicans instead of his constituents in the Lower Hudson Valley. Lawler promised to support public safety and commonsense gun laws – but broke that promise, refusing to close loopholes that allow someone with a history of violence to get their hands on guns,” said GIFFORDS Executive Director Emma Brown. “Keeping our schools and communities safe is a top priority for New Yorkers, and that requires leaders who will stand up to the gun lobby. GIFFORDS is proud to support Mondaire Jones because he has a proven track record of doing just that.”


NARRATOR: It keeps happening. 

Mike Lawler promised he’d support gun laws to keep our communities safe. But he broke that promise. 

Lawler refuses to close loopholes that allow criminals and dangerous people to get their hands on guns. He voted against common-sense background checks. Lawler even supports letting teenagers buy assault weapons.

Lawler’s broken promises don’t just betray our trust—they put our families at risk. 

Giffords PAC is responsible for the content of this advertising.

“Be Safe” :15

NARRATOR: We just want our kids to be safe. In schools. In our communities.

So does Mondaire Jones—that’s why he voted to close loopholes in our gun laws, and for increased police presence for the Hudson Valley. Jones is committed to keeping our families safe. 

“Our Kids” :15

NARRATOR: You drop them off each morning, hoping you’ll pick them up safe.

But instead of protecting our kids, Mike Lawler voted against background checks—even allowing teenagers to buy assault weapons. Mike Lawler’s votes put our families at risk.


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