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GIFFORDS PAC announces $1.2 million investment to elect Kirsten Engel in AZ-06

WASHINGTON — Today, the national gun violence prevention organization GIFFORDS, founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, announced an over $1.2 million investment in the race to represent Arizona’s Sixth Congressional District, as part of its $15 million commitment to electing and supporting gun safety champions in 2024, with a focus on the U.S. House. The campaign will feature a gun owner from Tucson and speak directly to women and Hispanic voters, and include broadcast and cable television, as well as digital ads in English and Spanish, bringing accountability to Rep. Juan Ciscomani’s record on gun safety reform. The ads will also appear on YouTube and other streaming platforms. 

The group’s founder, Gabby Giffords, represented Tucson in the U.S. House from 2007-2012.

Juan Ciscomani has spent his time in Congress opposing commonsense gun safety reform that will save lives in Arizona. Picking the gun lobby over public safety, he has refused to close loopholes that keep guns out of the wrong hands,” said GIFFORDS Executive Director Emma Brown. “Tucson is acutely aware of the cost of weak gun laws, and Southern Arizona deserves leaders in Congress who will put its safety first. We are proud to support Kristen Engel, who we know will fight for a nation where we are free from the devastation of gun violence.”

“SO, NO” :30

I was a Republican all my life. But looking into Juan Ciscomani’s record – I just can’t support him.

Ciscomani opposes closing loopholes that let dangerous people buy guns. I’ve been a gun owner over 20 years – and I believe in common sense gun safety too.

When Ciscomani opposes background checks – allowing criminals to buy guns – that’s an extreme position that puts ALL our families at risk.

So no – he doesn’t get my vote.

“Worst Nightmare” (Spanish)  :30

Es la peor pesadilla de los padres, Se ha vuelto demasiado común.

No tiene que ser así…

Pero políticos como Juan Ciscomani se niegan a cerrar los vacíos legales que les permiten a los criminales comprar armas.

Ciscomani se opone a acciones básicas para evitar los tiroteos escolares desde el principio.

Mientras tanto, las tragedias Continúan.

Congresista Ciscomani: Nuestros niños merecen algo mejor.


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