Gun Manufacturers Want to Sell More Guns Abroad. The Trump Administration is Here to Help.
By Katherine Phillips, Giffords Federal Affairs Manager
The Trump Administration is proving yet again that they’ll easily bend to the will of the gun lobby and help them sell more firearms worldwide.
A new proposed rule would move the oversight of certain gun and ammunition exports from the State Department’s U.S. Munitions List to the Commerce Department’s Commerce Control List. On the surface, that might sound like a small administrative change, or one of the department restructures we’ve been hearing about lately – but it’s not. It’s a much bigger deal.
So, what does it mean?
It means exports of guns and ammunition like sniper rifles, semiautomatic assault rifles and pistols, and handguns used by Navy Seals and U.S. Special Forces would be subject to less strict oversight than they are now. Exporting these weapons to other countries, where they could fall into the wrong hands and potentially be used against Americans, would become easier.
It also means that Congress – which currently must be notified of these export deals over $1 million and has the ability to block those sales – would lose much of its oversight. It means companies might be able to easily share instructions to 3D-print guns, potentially letting practically anyone create guns that can’t be traced. It means that, to appease the gun industry and help them sell more guns, American firearms might be significantly more likely to fall into the hands of international criminals.
Until Monday, July 9, at 11:59PM ET, you can make your voice heard and tell the Administration this is a dangerous idea. Copy and paste the below comment, or write your own describing your concerns with the foreign policy and humanitarian implications of this rule change. Make sure to submit the comment to both the State Department and the Commerce Department .
Want to learn more?
- Read this statement from Giffords denouncing the Trump Administration for loosening export restrictions.
- Check out this resource page from the Forum on the Arms Trade detailing why this proposed rule is so dangerous.