Mark Kelly Visits Oregon Legislature, Portland Police Department Shooting Range
PORTLAND – Yesterday, retired Navy Captain and astronaut Mark Kelly testified in front of the Oregon Senate Judiciary Committee in support of SB 1551. The bill expands background checks to include private gun transfers, with exceptions for family members, inherited firearms and antiques. Captain Kelly testified alongside Governor John Kitzhaber and Portland Police Department Assistant Chief Donna Henderson.
“Arizona and Oregon share a lot: a Western spirit, a way of life grounded in our families and communities, and an abiding appreciation for our traditions of hunting and gun ownership,” said Mark Kelly, founder of Americans for Responsible solutions. “The thing we can do to promote responsible gun ownership and protect our Second Amendment rights is the very same thing that will do the most to reduce gun violence. And that’s keeping guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them – by providing background checks for gun purchases.”
Later in the day, Captain Kelly visited the Portland Police Department indoor firing range at the Portland Justice Center.