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STATEMENT: Giffords Reacts to NRA Launching Seven-Figure Ad Buy in Support of Kavanaugh

Washington, D.C. – Today, the National Rifle Association launched a  seven-figure national and regional ad campaign , urging confirmation of President Donald Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh. The five regional spots target senators who are considered potential swing votes, including Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Doug Jones, (D-AL), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Joe Manchin (D-WV)., and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND).

Peter Ambler, Executive Director of Giffords, released the following statement:

“It should surprise no one that the NRA is throwing money to support Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination in an effort buy another ally in the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh’s record of siding with the gun lobby shows he shares their views and stands ready to decide in their favor – and the NRA knows it. The fact that they’re launching a million dollar ad buy is proof that the NRA thinks they can scare politicians into doing their bidding. They think they can force politicians to put corporate interests before public safety. But what they’re failing to recognize is the fact that they’re talking to a country of newly emboldened voters who are demanding leaders ready to stand up to the gun lobby. Voters who know America needs leaders who recognize that action to protect children and communities from gun violence does not violate anyone’s constitutional rights. Make no mistake: any Senator who votes in favor of Kavanaugh’s nomination will be casting a vote against public safety. Americans will be watching, and they’ll remember when they head to the polls in November.”

When President Trump announced his pick last month, the NRA  immediately praised  the nomination of Kavanaugh. It’s clear that by nominating Kavanaugh, President Trump is making good on his  promise to come through for the NRA , after they spent millions to put him in office.

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